Pinterest Adds a Shopping Cart to Challenge Amazon

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Pinterest has long positioned itself as the go-to platform for social shopping, and today it announced a number of new features that will make buying from the site easier and will also separate itself from competitors Facebook and Twitter.
Now people can add items to a shopping cart on Pinterest's website and mobile apps. Consumers can then buy multiple products from different merchants at once, similar to how Amazon's checkout page works. While Google also has a shopping cart, Twitter and Facebook notably do not.
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In addition, Pinterest is also rolling out a feature that uses visual search to let people search for similar items shown within a post. For example, someone looking for a pair of shoes featured within a pin will be able to search for similar items on Pinterest by clicking on a button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Pinterest is also building new technology for phones—not unlike Amazon's Firefly visual search technology—that will help users find online products by snapping a photo of something in the real world.
However, Changshu Yirunda—our company is not a website or platform to sell the goods. We product shopping carts to be used in supermarket. We pay attention to this news because we think Pinterest may be a platform to show or sell our shopping carts or trolleys. 


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