Yirunda will appear on American Globe Shop Exhibition

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"Attending GlobalShop provided invaluable access to the best retail design solutions from visual merchandising to cutting-edge technologies. I attended the show with our CEO, and we were able to walk the floor together and connect directly with the industry's leading retail display and design partners."

                                                                                                                      -Sr. Director of Retail Planning

These are words from the creator of GlobeShop Exhibition, Yirunda will have several exhibitions in next few months. 

Exhibition Name: American Globe Shop Exhibition 

Date:  27th-28th, March

Booth: 4745 

Address: Chicago, US


Plastic shopping carts, metal shopping carts,and different style supermarket shopping carts produced by Yirunda be there for exhibition, if you are interested in any carts or trolleys, pls feel free to let us know, and visit our booth.

We are waiting you here, no matter you want new shopping carts designs, supermarket shopping carts capcacity, we can do it for you.


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