How to Clean the Plastic Shopping Cart Well

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Making your plastic shopping cart neat and hygienic should be a paramount thing in the mind of supermarket owners as well as shoppers. Shopping carts are essential means of transporting our groceries, fruits, and other products we purchase in the supermarket. Your shopping cart could be a germ magnet if you fail to take proper care of it. According to a recent study which shows that shopping carts are some of the absolute dirtiest public surfaces. The researcher sampled bacterial content on 90 grocery store shopping carts and found out that shopping cart surfaces contain more bacterial than over 100 public restrooms. The most alarming revelation derived from this research is that more dangerous and any infectious bacterial such as diarrhea-causing Campylobacter and highly deadly Salmonella are common found on supermarket shopping cart, about 60% of plastic cart were found to contain E-coli and coliform bacteria.


We have been able to establish the fact that plastic shopping carts are liable to get contaminated due to presence of dirt and dust, let us take a look at some methods and techniques which we can use to avoid accumulation of dirt in the plastic shopping cart.

Cleaning supermarket shopping carts may be a daunting task because you have to do it on a regular basis. It involves getting rid of germs, dirty finger prints and unhealthy buildups caused by dirty hands. Some supermarkets often wash their shopping carts regularly but only few supermarkets do this, which suggest that keeping the shopping cart clean is the responsibility of the supermarket owners and shoppers.

Wash the plastic shopping cart regularly:

If you own a personally plastic shopping cart, it becomes very easy for you to wash this cart before and after using. Supermarket owners can also put all plastic carts outside and wash thoroughly. Washing your plastic cart is very easy, all you have to do is to put some detergent in clean water and use clean piece of clothing material to wipe the dirt off.  After washing with detergents, ensure you place your plastic carts under clean running water for some time.

There are various ways and different washers you can utilized to wash your plastic shopping carts.

You can make use of pressure washer: Pressure washers are powerful and they can easily clean greasy dirt and remove stubborn dirt from the plastic shopping carts. There are different types, example includes the steam pressure washer which wash the shopping cart under a high temperature and pressure. This steam washer does not only wash the shopping cart but also provide disinfecting property.

The use of wipes to clean plastic carts: You can always make use of wipes to clean your plastic shopping cart. Although it is less economical when compared to washing with detergent and clean water. You can buy packs of wipes and use it to clean your plastic cart after every use. Many supermarkets provide wipes for their customers.

Washing your plastic shopping cart is very important, make use of the above tips and keep your plastic shopping cart in a clean state always.


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