Summary about the Yirunda Conton's Fair

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After the communication with the customer deeply , we get further understand the customer's demand for shopping cart,we will strenghen our own product advantages, increase product sales highlights in next step .we talked in a good atmosphere in the exhibition , after the negociated with the clients ,many customers came to our factory get the further discussion,     we have fostered  mutual trust, promote the implementation of orders.

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Since the location of the booth close to the edge of the small channel is not very good,we depend on mostly by ourselves to attract customers to negotiate their own products.

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 Another side , our team wokers  dressed uniform norms, showing the good image of the company, had negotiated with customer decently and harmonious exchange. By the way , we need to improve negotiation skills further , especially in how to deal with the situation of the facing customers unreasonable prices.

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